May 4, 2012

It's Party in the Underworld!

Legend says the zombies feed on the human brains! They may walk slow, but they never falter from their quest. Their hunger is insatiable. It makes you wonder why they have to eat because they obviously can't die again!

As you try to sleep at night in the dark, with fear creeping in easily without the light showing you what is hidden in the shadow, you can't help but wonder how to ward them off if, I mean, when they come after you!

Here, manis pride ourselves with talent of foreseeing the future. We have thought it all. WE GOT THIS PROBLEM DOWN! The tactic is very simple. It's like encountering a duck. Chase them before they chase you. Or in this case, eat them before they eat you!

Manis presents you zombie-themed cake pops!

The strategy is keeping at least one piece by your bedside. When you hear them scratching away at your window, pull the curtain down with the cake pop in your hand. Then menacingly eat that cake pop slowly, munch on their head with much vigor, eyes never leaving theirs. Let them see that it could be their head next once you're done with that piece in your hand.

If that doesn't scare them, oh well. I hope you run fast!

**Good things are best shared. These cake pops come in >50 pieces per order. We got to keep the family and that cute guy across the street safe too.

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